Marie Hallynck (cello) - Sophie Hallynck (harp)

Bellini, von Paradis, Elgar, Hasselmans, Popper, Villa-Lobos, Debussy, de Falla

Zomer van Sint-Pieter 2024
Tue 16/07/2024 - 12:15

Ticket prices

  • € 8 ticket (programme guide included)
  • Pass 5 tickets: € 36 (€ 4 reduction) - Pass 10 tickets: € 70 (€ 10 reduction) - more info
  • free for children under the age of 13 (accompanied by an adult)
  • € 1,60 with UiTPAS social rate - no other reductions

Bellini, von Paradis, Elgar, Hasselmans, Popper, Villa-Lobos, Debussy, de Falla

The Hallynck sisters have always shared a passion for music. The unusual combination of cello and harp offers a unique repertoire, which they naturally enrich with their own arrangements. As a result, unexpected musical treasures come to light.

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