Thomas Bloch (glass harmonica) - Il Gardellino

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Zomer van Sint-Pieter 2024
Fri 26/07/2024 - 12:15
tickets as of june 19th, 12h

Ticket prices

  • € 6 ticket (programme guide included)
  • Pass 5 tickets: € 27 (€ 3 reduction) - Pass 10 tickets: € 52 (€ 8 reduction) -more info
  • free for children under the age of 13 (accompanied by an adult)
  • € 1,20 with UiTPAS social rate - no other reductions

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Adagio & Rondo, K.V. 617
Adagio per il corno inglese, K.V. 580a
Adagio, K.V. 356
Quartet for flute and strings, K.V. 285

The glass harmonica is an unusual instrument, with an obscure reputation of tormenting the performer, but at the same time it fascinates with its crystal clear sound. Thomas Bloch, one of the rare virtuosos of the instrument, joins the musicians of Il Gardellino for a program devoted entirely to Mozart, including the famous Quintet K.V. 617.

More info

Il Gardellino: Marcel Ponseele (oboe) - Jan De Winne (flute) - Mayumi Hirasaki (violin) - Kaat De Cock (viola) - Ira Givol (cello)