Infinite Dances/Leuven
A new ritual for the city
Mourning on your own is tough, but in a group, it is just as fragile.
Yet, we do find support and consolation in collective remembrance rituals, such as The Last Post, a condolence book or a memorial for the death. They are at the service of the community. They connect. They sanctify.
In search of a new remembrance ritual for all the people of Leuven we've lost, 30CC joined forces with choreographer Michiel Vandevelde.
With Infinite Dances, Michiel Vandevelde creates a captivating dance ritual. The material of this performance is based on three videos, which Vandevelde inherited from his mother, on which she dances.
Through physical togetherness, Infinite Dances wants to bring warmth and comfort to the community.
Leuven amateur dancers learned the choreography and will perform for all inhabitants and all passers-by.
For one year, we will dance on the last Monday of each month on the Grote Markt of Leuven.
In December and June the Leuven choir Mezoblebi will join the ritual.
You are very welcome to witness it. No need for reservations.
More info
Infinite Dances is a coproduction of 30CC and Michiel Vandevelde.